October 4, 2006 - 14:25 AMT
U.S. Congressmen Called on George Bush to Expand Engagement with Karabakh
The congressional letter, signed by 77 members and sent to the White House on September 29, highlights a long history of U.S. support to Nagorno Karabakh and the will of the people of Artsakh to build a democratic and economically viable country. As PanARMENIAN.Net came to know from the NKR Representative Office in the U.S., the letter also notes the continuation of Azerbaijan's destructive policy, which threatens peace and stability in the region and "goes against U.S. interests." Most importantly, the congressional letter advocates for expansion of U.S. political and economic engagement with Nagorno Karabakh.

The letter said in part: "As we work towards peace, the United States can and must expand its engagement with the lawfully and democratically established Nagorno Karabakh Republic. These ties should not be dictated by outside forces but rather should be guided by the shared values of our two nations. […] We should build on this success by investing in developmental and good governance programs that will strengthen Nagorno Karabakh's economy, democratic institutions, and promote even greater cooperation on a range of regional and security issues."

"Everyday, we are advancing in building a country of our dreams - a free, democratic and prosperous Artsakh. Fifteen years of independent statehood have proved the righteousness of the historic path chosen on September 2, 1991. Throughout these years, the people of Artsakh have been truly blessed to enjoy the political and economic support of the U.S. Congress. We are deeply thankful to the American people for their generous economic assistance that helped restore dozens of war-torn villages, drinking water supplies and medical facilities," said NKR Representative in the United States Vardan Barseghian.