November 16, 2006 - 13:58 AMT
Armenian Peacekeepers to Stay in Iraq at Least One More Year
Armenia will prolong the stay of the Armenian military contingent in Iraq, RA Defense Minister Serge Sargsyan upon completion of his visit to Baghdad. According to him, 'withdrawal of the coalition troops from Iraq is not discussed yet.' "I do not know who is going to withdraw troops but the commanders of the coalition forces have no intention of the kind," he said. In his words, in spring 2007 the Iraqi government will assume control over some provinces and by the end of next year the Iraqi armed forced and police will exercise basic control of the country.

The Armenian peacekeeping continent is in Iraq within the Polish division on the basis of the memorandum ratified by the RA parliament December 24, 2004. The latest shift of the Armenian peacekeepers that departed for Iraq July 23, 2006 includes a commander, an officer at the headquarters of the Polish division, 30 drivers, 10 combat engineers and 3 doctors. The Armenian side is going to prolong the stay of the Armenian contingent in Iraq for one more year, reports IA Regnum.