November 25, 2006 - 13:37 AMT
Explosion in Market and Armenian Student Murder Investigated Separately
Criminal cases on explosion in Cherkizov market and murder of student Vigen Abrahamyants, 17 have been and are being investigated in two different sections, stated a Prosecutor's Office representative. In his words, Moscow Prosecutor's Office is engaged in investigation of the explosion in the market, while the metro Prosecutor's Office deals with the case of the murder.

It was earlier stated that the two cases are united. Lawyer Simon Tsaturyan, who represents interests of the victim's family had stated it. When touching upon investigation of these two cases, the Moscow Prosecutor's Office representative said, "We do not give comments at the current phase of investigation," reports Vesti.

11 people - mostly foreign citizens - died resulting from the explosion in Cherkizov market August 21. Three Moscow students are arrested on the case. At the same time the 17-year-old freshman of the Moscow Management University was slaughtered April 22 on the platform of Pushkinskaya metro station.