November 25, 2006 - 14:08 AMT
France and Rwanda Break off Relations due to Genocide
Rwanda authorities suggested that French diplomats immediately leave the country, as well as recalled their representatives from Paris. In its turn France broke off diplomatic relations with Rwanda. The scandal broke out due to French authorities deciding to hold a number of arrests over accusation of complicity to the genocide in 1994. French judge has issued arrest warrants for 9 persons from the closest circle of Rwandan President Paul Kagame. They are accused of complicity to the catastrophe of the plane, which had the former Rwandan leader aboard. That incident later instigated mass slaughter in the country. France undertook investigation of the case, as the crew were French citizens. Incumbent Rwandan President is accused that the murder was committed on his order. However, Kagame denies his complicity. He called charges against himself «scandalous» and recalled diplomats, reports BBC.

Over 800 died during the 100-day confrontation between Tutsi and Hutu - two ethnic groups residing in Rwanda. The deceased President Juvenal Habarimana belonged to more moderate Hutus, while Kagame led the radical Patriotic Front of Rwanda. The French judge is convinced that only Front rebels had the missiles, by which the plane was brought down. In response to accusations against the President, 25 thousand persons took part in an anti-French demonstration in the Rwandan capital.