December 9, 2006 - 15:42 AMT
The Adoption of NKR Constitution is Objective Necessity
Nagorno Karabakh has reached such a level of development when an objective necessity occurs to adopt a Constitution for the state's further progress, said Hamlet Haroutyunyan, the Chairman of 'Artsakh' friendly association in Yerevan. In his words, NKR people's goal is to build a democratic civil society. H. Haroutyunyan also noted, that Robert Kocharian's, Serge Sargsyan's and Samvel Babayan's merit among others is that they took the power from field commanders and gave it to the people. "I underline this fact, since under war conditions it is very difficult to make the winners obey. They could do it in Karabakh," he said, bringing as an example Turkey, where up till now everything is being decided by the General Staff.