December 26, 2006 - 13:43 AMT
Azerbaijan's Turn to Islam is Quite Possible
Azerbaijan's turn, as some Azeri politicians say, is quite possible, responded to the PanARMENIAN.Net journalist's question political scientist Alexander Iskandaryan, the Director of Caucasian Media Institute. In his words, Azerbaijan is divided into two conditional states: Baku and province, and they are quite different. "Baku is a civilized European city, and the province lives by quite other canons and mostly Islamic. This division is typical to all Middle Eastern countries and here Azerbaijan is not an exception," he underlined. The Armenian political scientist stressed that Baku lives at the expense of oil pipeline and the province of Azerbaijan - at expense of migrants in Russia. "If one of this components fails the development of the country can go through any course, including Islamic," said Iskandaryan.

It is worth mentioning that earlier politician Leyla Yunus during an interview to 'Zerkalo' stated that 'Azerbaijan should only wait the day when Azeri Khomeini comes and says: "Neither West, nor Russia, only Islam!"