January 17, 2007 - 17:38 AMT
Jane's: Isolation of Armenia to Be Redoubled and Tension over Karabakh to Grow in 2007
According to forecasts of experts of Jane's Intelligence center, regional isolation of Armenia is likely to be redoubled in 2007. "Serious changes will occur in Russia's position on the South Caucasian states, since Azerbaijan's energy resources and Georgia's aspiration to the West makes these states more independent from Russia. At the same time, Armenia's isolation seems to aggravate. This may attach tension to regional conflicts including the Karabakh one," the experts think. "The growing necessity of Europe in Azerbaijan, as the supplier of energy through the Baku-Erzrum gas pipeline, and Baku's wish to cooperate with the U.S. and NATO may lead to greater international engagement in the Karabakh issue. This may become a decisive factor for restraining tension during the year," the report titled "South Caucasus Awaiting Stormy Year" says.

Anyway, is the West's attention offers advantages for Azerbaijan, Armenia is likely to strengthen ties with Russia. As result, both sides will make firm in opposition camps. The region may face a choice when development potential will be opposed to danger and possible collision. However, the outer forces will to all appearance have the decisive power. The region can hardly be left for the will of the fate, the expert consider, reports RFE/RL.