January 25, 2007 - 17:29 AMT
MOD's Institute of Strategic Researches opened in RA
The opening ceremony of the Institute of Strategic Researches under the RA Ministry of Defense took place in Yerevan. In his speech Armenian Defense Minister Serzh Sargsyan said that the ceremony is dated for 15th anniversary of the Armenian National Army, which was founded in January of 1992. "The opening of such a research center is dictated by the time itself. Our army is on the way of reforms and it needs specialists who will be capable to resist the challenges of Armenia in XXI century," Sargsyan stressed.

He reminded that the construction works of the institute were launched still 8 years ago on the initiative of relatives of Drastamat Kanayan, a hero from First Armenian Republic. And they organized fund raising campaign for the construction. "At the enter of the institute we have written the names of those, who helped Armenia in building such a center," said the Defense Minister.

Heads of diplomatic representatives accredited in Yerevan, military attaches and Members of Parliament were present at the opening ceremony.