February 5, 2007 - 17:03 AMT
Denialist Turkey has little chance to join EU
The recognition of the Armenian Genocide at the hands of the Ottoman Empire in 1915-1917 has actually become fundamental in the EU membership talks. Lenta.ru reminds that according to historical data, some 1.5 million of ethnic Armenians were slaughtered during those years. Ankara refuses to call it Genocide and describes the mass killings as "forced migration of the people."

However, denialist Turkey seems to have little chance to join the European Union. First, the French parliament passed a law criminalizing the Armenian Genocide denial and providing for a 45 000-euro fine or a year in prison. Now, if Europe approves the German law calling for 3 years of imprisonment for denial of Holocaust, genocides and military crimes in Africa and Balkans during the recent decades, Ankara will have to change views on her own past," reports Lenta.ru.