February 13, 2007 - 13:22 AMT
Baku declares about possibility to stop talks over Karabakh
Azeri Deputy Foreign Minister Araz Azimov labeled as "a step back" the meeting between Armenian and Azeri Foreign Ministers Vartan Oskanian and Elmar Mamedyarov held in Moscow at the end of January in the framework of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict settlement. He stated that "in the result of a very tough position of Armenian Foreign Minister ha cannot predict the future developments of the process." "Vartan Oskanian presented some positions, which return us to the past. We categorically rejected those statements. Among those also were the return of Azeri refugees to their home and use of the road through Lachin corridor. I want to inform the Armenian side, that if we do not keep on the talks on the principles, which were being discussed during the last two years, perhaps, the continuation of negotiations will be useless and it will not be right to expect any results," he underlined.

The Armenian Plenipotentiary on the Nagorno Karabakh negotiations also underscored that currently the OSCE MG Co-Chairs offer to hold one more meeting between Armenian and Azeri foreign ministers. Azimov stated that principally, the Azeri side can accept Co-Chairs' offer to meet. "But if such a meeting supposes like the one in Moscow, we think that it is useless," he added, Bakililar.AZ reports.