February 13, 2007 - 13:43 AMT
Karabakh people do not believe in seriousness of political solution to conflict
In Nagorno Karabakh nobody accepts seriously the offers on the negotiation table, which can be approved through political way, said to a press conference in Yerevan NKR Presidents ex-advisor for foreign policy Manvel Sargsyan. In his words, causes for such opinion are Azeri President Ilham Aliev's repeated statements on necessity to isolate Armenia by all means. "And Azerbaijan in some extent achieves his goals" the Nagorno Karabakh issue is being discussed in the UN, EU, an agreement is signed on Kars-Akhalkalaki-Tbilisi-Baku railway construction," Sargsyan stressed. Alongside, the ex-advisor thinks that it is useless to hold one more referendum in NKR. The Constitution was adopted on December 10 in Karabakh, in which our people one more time expressed their strong commitment to independence. I think, in order to solve the problem it is necessary first of all to restore the ethnic-geographic status of the whole region and on the bases of compromises to confirm the status of NKR," Manvel Sargsyan underscored.