February 13, 2007 - 15:30 AMT
Examination of graves of possible victims of Genocide to be carried out by international expedition
Examination of mass graves discovered on October of 2006 in Turkish district of Nusaybin will be carried out by an international expedition. Swedish historian David Gaunt is sure that the graves belongs to 270 Armenians and Assyrians, who were killed by order of a Young Turks chieftain. Turkish authorities have not carried out any investigation, journalists were not allowed to approach the burial and obtain more information. In this connection Hans Dinden, a deputy from Swedish leftist party, has sent an interpellation to the Swedish parliament. In response Turkish authorities, as usual, launch a counter-offensive. Chairman of scientific-historical association Yusuf Haladjoghly offered to carry out a joint excavation of graves. Professor David Gaunt agreed with that offer, but demanded full freedom during the process. He also wished to speak to those who could know anything about the mass burial. In his part Haladjoghly stated that if really occurs that Armenians and Assyrians are buried in the graves he will publicly apologize, otherwise he expects the same from professor Gaunt, 'Yerkir Media' TV Company reports.

Villagers from Xirabebaba were digging a grave for one of their relatives when they came across to a cave full of skulls and bones. The Xirabebaba residents assumed they had uncovered a mass grave of 300 Armenian villagers massacred during the Genocide of 1915. They informed Akarsu Gendarmerie headquarters, the local military unit, about the discovered remains. Turkish army officers instructed the villagers to block the cave entrance and make no mention of the remains buried in it. The officers said an investigation would take place. Journalists, who had arrived to obtain more information, were denied access to the cave. As the mass burial made news, local Gendarmerie made another visit to the villagers. The latter were pressed to report the name of the person who leaked the mass burial discovery to the press. The villagers were warned not to show anyone directions to the cave.

The victims of the mass grave, according to Sodertorn University History Professor David Gaunt, are most likely the 150 Armenian and 120 Assyrian males from the nearby town of Dara (now Oguz) killed on June 14, 1915.