February 13, 2007 - 17:36 AMT
Orhan Pamuk may have emigrated from Turkey
Nobel Prize winner in literature, Turkish writer Orhan Pamuk may have emigrated from Turkey. Two weeks after Hrant Dink's assassination Pamuk departed for New York, where he was going to deliver a lecture at the Columbia University. Here Pamuk from time to time delivers lectures. But his relatives deny information that he has decided to emigrate from Turkey after receiving threats. "He has not fled from Turkey and there is nothing strange in his absence, he will return," stated one of his colleagues. Like Hrant Dink, Pamuk was being prosecuted for "insulting the Turkish nation", particularly for his statement in a Swiss newspaper that 1.5 million Armenians were killed in the Ottoman Empire. Most recently one of suspects of the Dink assassination advised Pamuk to "think it over" RFE/RL reports.