February 20, 2007 - 18:30 AMT
Goal of talks is to legalize current situation in Nagorno Karabakh
"We cannot speak about serious success in the Nagorno Karabakh conflict negotiations," stated Armenian President Robert Kocharian at the meeting with representatives of Armenian Community in Paris. He said, the problem is to find final solution. "Negotiations have one goal, that is, to bring to conformity with law what we have now in Nagorno Karabakh," stressed the president. Asked if it is possible to sign an agreement with Azerbaijan this summer, Robert Kocharian gave a negative answer.

As to Armenia's current situation, according to the RA President, "the country has got out of heavy situation and is entering the stage of stable development." Touching on the problem of recognizing the Armenian Genocide by Turkey, Robert Kocharian stressed that this issue for Armenia has not only moral aspect, but also it is connected with the security of the country, RFE RL reports.