February 22, 2007 - 13:42 AMT
United States warns about possible economic sanctions against Iran
The George Bush Administration declares that Iran does not implement conditions put forward by UN Security Council members, and warns about possible new sanctions against Tehran. "The matter is if Iran will implement conditions put forward by all of us, the UN Security Council members, but in the stream of public statements, which recently are coming from Iran, we see nothing that would prove they fulfill our conditions," U.S. Under Secretary for Political Affairs Nicholas Burns stated in the interview to the National Public Radio Wednesday evening.

On December 23 of 2006 the UN Security Council unanimously adopted a resolution, which supposes sanctions against Iran since the country did not stop uranium enrichment works that the world community demanded.

"We would be very glad if they fulfilled these conditions, but if they don't do that, I think, you will see continuation of international efforts on using diplomacy, as well as applying sanctions, in order to increase the economic price for what they are doing," Burns stressed.

Alongside, one more time he denied information, which continue to occur in world Media, that the U.S. is preparing a military strike on Iraq. "We do not want to use force," the American diplomat underlined, adding that it is possible to avoid military conflict with Iran. "The military conflict is not desirable and we make significant efforts in diplomatic approach," Burns stressed.

The Under Secretary added that United States' military presence in the region is aimed at providing security for American allies in Arab world, as well as in connection with actions in Iraq. "We are not aspiring for a new military conflict, " the American diplomat repeated, RIA 'Novosti' reports.