March 9, 2007 - 17:32 AMT
Exact number of Armenian historical monuments in Turkey unknown
Akhtamar is a universal property. That is why the Turkish government decided to reconstruct it, historian Samvel Karapetian told a PanARMENIAN.Net reporter. In his words, the Akhtamar Church has no analogs in the world's architecture and sculpture. "Akhtamar is unique and the Turkish government will receive fantastic profits from the flow of tourists. The contents of the inscription on the wall of the temple is a question of minor importance for them. Greek, Armenian and Assyrian monuments are being reconstructed throughout Turkey presently and Turks themselves decide whether or not to mention their belonging," Karapetian said.

The Armenian historian also noted that the exact number of historical and cultural monuments in Turkey in not known. "According to the data furnished by the Constantinople patriarchy, about 2100 churches functioned in Western Armenia in 1912-1913. 3000 out of 8000 villages in Western Armenia were inhabited by Armenians only. Thus, each village had a church, sometimes even two churches. I think we can speak of thousands of Armenian monuments throughout Turkey. Akhtamar was lucky to avoid the fate of churches in Mush and Kars which were transformed into mosques," Karapetian said.