April 26, 2007 - 20:23 AMT
Matthew Bryza: There will be no changes in U.S. State Department's report
There will be no changes in State Department's report, U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Matthew Bryza stated. He expressed hope that this "misunderstanding will be forgotten and talks with Azerbaijan on cooperation in security issues will recommence, at the same time refusing to comment on changes in the report". "We are close to the solution on main principles during the Nagorno Karabakh negotiations, which are being carried out by the OSCE MG mediation. And additional tension in this situation may influence on the process of talks," the American diplomat underlined, APA reports.

In its annual report the U.S. State Department underlined that "Armenia has occupied Nagorno Karabakh and seven districts of Azerbaijan". However after the publication of the report some amendments were introduced in the document: "Armenian armed forces occupy a vast territory of Azerbaijan adjacent to the Nagorno Karabakh. Armenian officials state they republic has not directly occupied Nagorno Karabakh".