July 3, 2007 - 15:38 AMT
Azerbaijan does not want to settle Karabakh conflict and just is busy with propaganda
"The OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs perfectly realize the core of the conflict, they know who is the actual side in the Nagorno Karabakh conflict. But OSCE MG indulges Azerbaijan in his caprices, avoiding from discussions around this issue," NKR President Arkadi Ghukassian stated in his speech entitled "Nagorno Karabakh: perspectives of settlement" at the Russian-Armenian (Slavonic) University. He said, the current format of talks does not have perspectives, which is fraught with a rise of stalemate situation in the settlement process.

As the NKR President stated, Baku is trying to urge the international community that only Armenia and Azerbaijan are the conflicting parties, accusing the Armenian side of territorial claims. As a way out from this situation Arkadi Ghukassian indicates that representatives of NKR must return to the negotiation process, which actually the OSCE MG must do. "Azerbaijan does not want to settle the Nagorno Karabakh conflict and only is busy with propaganda. And just because of this fact Baku prefers to negotiate with Armenia without NKR," A. Ghukassian underscored.