July 3, 2007 - 18:35 AMT
The New York Times: Just trial on murder of Hrant Dink will not be possible
The world press widely covers the trial on the murder case of Hrant Dink, editor-in-chief of 'Agos' Armenian-Turkish bilingual. The New York Times newspaper has declared that this case will test the rule of law in Turkey. The paper also said that the court is not open to public because the suspects are too young. The NYT claimed that a just trial will not be possible according to the defense counsels because of the high interest in the case. In its turn the French newspaper Le Monde said that the police had known about the intentions of the murderers but that the counsels' demand to investigate the subject was rejected.

The Spanish newspaper El Pais asserted that the case tries the objectiveness of the court in Turkey. The paper claimed that there are still doubts that Turkey keeps the structure of a 'state-within-a-state'. El Pais also remarked that the EU follows the case closely.

A court in Istanbul, which yesterday started the trial on the murder case of Hrant Dink, editor-in-chief of 'Agos' Armenian-Turkish bilingual, has decided to broaden the investigation to consider allegations of official negligence. After a 12-hour hearing, the court released four of the 18 suspects. The judge also decided to postpone the hearing till October 1.