September 14, 2007 - 14:24 AMT
Levitin: Russian investments in RA to total $0,5 billion this year
This year Russian investments in Armenia will amount to $0,5 billion, Co-chair of the Russian-Armenian intergovernmental committee on economic cooperation Igor Levitin said.

"Armenia and Russia enjoy partner relations. We can partly ascribe the effect to the friendly relations between the leadership of our states. Businessmen believed the authorities and the amount of investments mentioned above is not the limit. With implementation of several major projects, the figure will increase," Mr Levitin said.

For his part, Armenian Prime Minister Serge Sargsyan said the recent boost in economic cooperation is also explained by regular dialogue between the Presidents. "Russian investments will increase. Today we will sign an agreement on introducing a Russian company into the Armenian market," he said, IA Regnum reports.

Upon completion of the sitting Serge Sargsyan and Igor Levitin ratified the plans for long-term measures for strengthening the Armenian-Russian cooperation and signed the protocol of the 9th sitting of the committee. The 10th sitting is scheduled for September 2008 in Russia.