October 9, 2007 - 14:54 AMT
Onur Oymen: if H.Res.106 passes, Turkey will take measures and everyone will feel the harm
"Unfortunately, the bill on an alleged genocide was introduced in the U.S. Congress under pressure of the Armenian lobby. Though President Bush opposes resolution, the Congress is likely to pass it," said Onur Oymen, the deputy chairman of the Turkish Opposition Republican People's Party (CHP).

"Passage of he document will damage the Turkish-American relations," he said.

"It will also lead to deterioration of the Turkish-Armenian relations. So, we expect the U.S. government to block the resolution. Otherwise Turkey will take measure and everyone will feel the harm," he said.

"The ruling AKP can't prevent the Congress from adopting the H.Res.106," he added.

"We must invite U.S. Congressmen to Turkey and furnish our arguments. The U.S. troops in Iraq receive armament and provisions through Turkey. Most of Armenia's export goes via Turkey as well. There are possibilities to block the resolution, but Turkey failed to develop the issue properly," he said, APA reports.

The U.S. House of Representatives will hold a vote on the Armenian Genocide resolution October 10.