October 19, 2007 - 16:21 AMT
Gates: there is real risk of perhaps not shutting us down in terms of access to Incirlik but of at least restricting it
"We call on Turkey to refrain from military action into Iraq that would create an international crisis and further undermine stability in Iraq. We recognize the harm and heartbreak caused by terrorist attacks across the Iraqi border into Turkey and are working with both governments to rein in the activities of the PKK," he said.

"I'm scheduled to meet with Turkey's Minister of Defense next week in Europe and intend to discuss this situation with him," he said.

Mr Gates did not fail to express concern over the Armenian Genocide Resolution adopted October 10 by the House Foreign Affairs Committee.

"I voiced my concerns about the pending congressional resolution on Armenian genocide with leaders on Capitol Hill. The question is really the timing and the consequences. I would state again it has the potential to do real harm to our troops in Iraq and would strain, perhaps beyond repair, our relationship with a key ally in a vital region and in the wider war on terror," he said.

"Having worked this issue in the last Bush administration ... I don't think the Turks are bluffing. I think it is that meaningful to them. I think there is a very real risk of perhaps not shutting us down" in terms of access to Turkish airspace for resupplying U.S. troops in Iraq, but of at least restricting it," Gates said.

"About 70 percent of our air cargo into Iraq goes through Incirlik. About a third of our fuel goes across the border, across the - into Iraq, and 95 percent of the MRAPs that we're flying into the theater are going through Incirlik," he said, reports the press office of the U.S. Department of Defense.