October 19, 2007 - 19:02 AMT
Turkey lives in "civilized isolation"
The process of international recognition of the Armenian Genocide is irreversible, Director of the Museum-Institute of Armenian Genocide, historian Hayk Demoyan told a news conference in Yerevan.

"Turkey lives in civilized isolation and adoption of H.Res.106 may entail psychological consequences for the Turkish people, specifically reconsideration of their history and identity," he said.

"This is a dangerous phenomenon for Turks, since the problem lies inside the country," he noted.

As to the fact that several Congressmen have recalled their signatures, Mr Demoyan conditioned it by "lack of morality and a habit of changing opinion," IA Regnum reports.

October 10, with a vote 27 to 21, the House Foreign Affairs Committee passed the Armenian Genocide resolution. The date for the full House vote has not been foxed yet. However, 7 Congressmen have recalled their signatures under the pressure of the Turkish lobby.