January 22, 2018 - 12:58 AMT
176 girls vaccinated against HPV virus in Armenia so far

176 girls have been vaccinated against human papillomavirus infection (HPV) in Armenia since December 11, 2017, with none of them experiencing immunization reactions, the health ministry has revealed.

According to the Armenian health ministry, only timely and fully implemented immunization can prevent diseases and complications caused by them.

Most HPV infections cause no symptoms and resolve spontaneously. In some cases, however, they can increase the risk of cancer of the cervix, while vaccines will help prevent such a development.

Three vaccines are available to prevent infection by some HPV types: Gardasil (used in Armenia), Cervarix, and Gardasil 9.

Girls aged 13-14, particularly those born after July 2004, are eligible for immunization, with their number totaling some 16,000 in Armenia.