October 7, 2008 - 15:03 AMT
Turkish factor energizing conditioned by Caucasus crisis consequences
Energizing of the Turkish factor in the region is apparently conditioned by tensions that followed the Caucasus crisis, Russia's Foreign Minister said.

"Our aim in South Ossetian operation was to defend the civilians and peacekeepers and it was achieved. We took the essential measures," Sergei Lavrov said.

"However, the problems Armenia experienced in this crisis, specifically the interruption of the cargo transportation, demand soonest resolution. And these problems will persist as long as South Ossetia and Abkhazia are in danger of attack," he said.

"Resolution of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict is extremely important for Armenia. It will offer a possibility to normalize relations with Turkey and receive an outlet to the world," he added.

Turks caught the unique moment that allows them to specify their position in the region, according to Lavrov.

The Caucasus Stability and Cooperation initiative is the evidence of proficiency of Turkish diplomacy. Such a combination of factors can help resolution of the Karabakh conflict," the Russian FM said in an interview with Rossiyskaya Gazeta.