July 31, 2002 - 22:25 AMT
The terms of the visit of the OSCE Minsk group co-chairs to the region of the Nagorno-Karabakh confrontation will be specified during the next two weeks. Russian co-chair Nikolay Grobkov has stated that in his interview with the "Zerkalo" Baku newspaper. According to him, at present, the co-chairs discuss that issue. Gribkov could note answer the question on possibility of reaching positive results at the negotiations until the beginning of the election campaign in Armenia and Azerbaijan noting that the settlement completely depends on the presidents of the states. Russian co-chair noted, there was a moment when the presidents were close to mutual compromises as never before but, according to Gribkov, a number of internal political factors hindered. Thereupon he noted the necessity of the active work with the opposition forces and political elite of the two states as well as with those who might in any way assist the presidents in the process of finding a mutually admissible solution of the problem. Speaking on the position of the official Moscow regarding the ways of the conflict settlement, Gribkov cited the statement of the Russian president that Moscow is ready to support any variant of the settlement admissible for all the parties. Besides, if necessary, Russia will be ready to be guarantor of the settlement and "it does not matter if it is stepwise, black or green - let the conflict parties themselves agree on it", the Russian diplomat noted.