March 11, 2009 - 13:42 AMT
Tourists flow to Armenia to increase by 10% in 2009
The number of tourists visiting Armenia will increase by 10% in 2009, according to the RA Ministry of Economy.

"588 000 tourists visited our republic last year, fixing a 9.4% increase against the 2007 index. At that, 60% of tourists are representatives of the Armenian Diaspora," Mekhak Apresyan, head of tourism division at RA Ministry of Economy, told a news conference on Wednesday.

"With its national color, history and nature, Armenia is an attractive country for tourists. I should also mention that the amendments the Armenian government introduced in the Law on State Due envisage AMD3000 fee for 21-day visa. A special working group is engaged in development of projects, simplification of visa system and road repair control," he said, adding that development of tourism will pour money into the national budget.

He also said that the global financial crisis resulted in 3 - 3.5% decrease of international tourism in 2008. During the current year, 0-1% growth is forecast.