March 11, 2009 - 19:41 AMT
ICC decision to issue warrant of arrest for Sudanese President is a warning for Azerbaijan
Protraction of NKR independence can result in Azerbaijan's new terrorist intervention against Karabakh, an Armenian expert said.

"The concept of postponed referendum is inefficient. Deployment of peacekeeping forces doesn't always prevent genocide," Ruben Zargaryan, advisor to NKR Foreign Minister, said in "Sudanese lessons for world and Azerbaijan" article obtained by PanARMENIAN.Net.

The International Criminal Court's decision to issue a warrant of arrest for Sudanese President is a warning for Azerbaijan, according to him.

"The people of Karabakh rebuffed Azeri aggression and stopped ethnic cleansings. Final recognition of NKR independence is a possibility to turn this tragic page of world history," Zargaryan said.