June 28, 2002 - 22:28 AMT
The other day the report on the situation with the question of refugees and enforced migrants in Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia was passed at the session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe. The report was delivered by Rut-Gabi Vermont-Mangold Swiss deputy. As PACE Armenian delegation head Hovhannes Hovhannisian told "Arminfo" agency, in the course of the debate the Armenian representatives stated that Azerbaijan profited by the question and distorted the facts for the sake of political purposes. It was noted that Azerbaijan had used the International Committee of Red Cross to present fake figures. It was all reflected in the report passed after undergoing a number of amendments, which, by the way, were not presented by the Armenian party. Hovhannisian also said that the report expressed disturbance with the fact that there were over 1 million refugees in the countries of the South Caucasus. The number of the refugees in Azerbaijan is indicated 120 thousand plus 570 displaced persons, 420 thousand in Armenia and some 200 thousand in Georgia. At the same time it is mentioned that hundreds of thousand refugees have left the region and live in other countries.