April 21, 2009 - 18:24 AMT
Knesset Speaker: Hitler is back. He has a beard and speaks Farsi
During his statement at Geneva's anti-racism conference, Iran President Mahmud Ahmadinejad accused Israel of racist policy and establishing discrimination regime on Palestinian territories, justifying the worst fears of conference participants.

Iran president also criticized USA for boycotting Durban 2 and accused Washington of expansion policy and capture of Iraq and Afghanistan.

Ahmadinejad proclaimed Israel as modern world's most cruel and racist regime and named US, Europe and Israel responsible for world financial crisis.

After Iran President stated that sufferings of the Jewish at World War 2 were only a pretext for Israel creation, a number of outraged Western delegates left the conference hall.

Nobel Prize laureate Eli Visel responded that Ahmadinejad had to be imprisoned for crimes against humanity, Voice of Israel Radio station reported today.

In his turn, Knesset Speaker Reuven Rivlin addressed a letter to foreign parliamentary speakers, warning his colleagues about catastrophic consequences of inaction when faced with anti-Semitic rhetoric of Iranian president.

"Yesterday, within 73 years of Munich Olympiad, the world saw Hitler. This time, he had a beard and spoke Farsi, but was no different otherwise. And he's once more given the tribune for public statements," Rivlin stated.