February 27, 2023 - 15:29 AMT
Four cases filed by Armenia against Azerbaijan under consideration at ECHR

Four cases filed by Armenia against Azerbaijan are under consideration with the European Court of Human Rights, Armenia’s Representative for International Legal Matters Yeghishe Kirakosyan told a press conference in Yerevan on Monday, February 27.

According to him, the first lawsuit concerns the 2020 war and subsequent events with the capture of the Armenian militarymen, while the second deals with the unlawful trials against prisoners.

The third lawsuit was filed by Armenia after the incursion of Azerbaijan into the sovereign territory of Armenia in May 2021, and the fourth is about the occupation of the positions of the heights by the Azerbaijani Armed Forces near the village of Parukh in Nagorno-Karabakh and the blocking of the Lachin corridor.

Weighing in on the fate of 33 Armenian prisoners of war, the fact of captivity of which Baku recognizes, Kiraskosyan stressed that all the terms of the interim measures applied by the ECtHR have already expired, but they continue to remain in Azerbaijani prisons.

All possible legal instruments were involved. Unfortunately, at the moment we have nothing more to do on this part. But if we discover new facts, we present them to the court," the lawyer said. At the moment, Baku confirms the capture of 33 people. However, according to the Armenian side, their number is much higher. Human rights activists believe 80 people are being held in Azerbaijani captivity.