April 23, 2009 - 17:28 AMT
State budget reserves will allow Armenia increase its immunity to 2009 challenges
State budget reserves will allow Armenia increase its immunity to 2009 challenges.

"The state budget for 2008 gave RA Government a chance to form 2009 reserve and increase Armenia's immunity to 2009 challenges," RA Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan said during governmental meeting on Tuesday.

According to Prime Minister, assets in 2008 exceeded NA confirmed budget by AMD 39 billion, total budget comprising AMD 77 billion. We'll use this means taking into account that financial crisis will make a serious impact on budget revenues.

Sargsyan noted that funds amassed will enable fulfillment of social obligations to minimize the impact of crisis on pensions and salaries.

According to 2008 report, budget revenues comprised AMD 785,3 billion, budget supply-AMD 810,6 billion, budget deficit -AMD 25,5 billion.

During Thursday meeting RA Government passed RA Economy Ministry's 2008 budget fulfillment report to be submitted to RA NA before May 1, 2009.