April 25, 2023 - 11:33 AMT
Borrell: Azerbaijan's decision on Lachin corridor contradicts EU position

Azerbaijan's decision to establish a checkpoint on the Lachin corridor runs counter to the EU's call to reduce tensions in the region, head of EU diplomacy Josep Borrell told a press conference following a meeting of the EU Council on Monday, April.24.

"We discussed Azerbaijan's unilateral decision to establish a checkpoint on the Lachin corridor, which runs counter to our call to reduce tensions," he said.

Borrell stressed that the EU is ready to assist Armenia and Azerbaijan in resolving the situation in the region. He recalled that the EU has deployed a mission on the territory of Armenia for this purpose.

Azerbaijani authorities on Sunday set up a checkpoint on the only road connecting the Karabakh with Armenia. Baku also maintained that they have informed the command of the Russian peacekeepers and the Russian-Turkish monitoring center about the installation of the checkpoint.