April 24, 2009 - 18:26 AMT
Serzh Sargsyan: Armenia's not pushing USA to recognize the Genocide
Armenia's not pushing USA to recognize the 1915 Genocide in Ottoman Empire, RA President Serzh Sargsyan told when interviewed by Russia Today RF TV Channel. "USA had diplomats, missionaries, entrepreneurs, insurance companies in Ottoman Empire. So USA has no doubts about the fact of the Armenian Genocide. They don't need any additional proof," RA President stressed.

According to RA President there's no Armenian in the world who'd deny the fact of the Armenian Genocide. "Already 42 USA states have recognized the Genocide. I'd like to remind that when discussed by US Congress, the Armenian Genocide is always accepted for a fact by overwhelming majority. It's just part of them accept the fact of the Genocide and support its acknowledgement, and another part, though accepting the fact of the Genocide, asserts that Genocide recognition today is not in USA's national interests," Serzh Sargsyan noted.