April 24, 2009 - 19:07 AMT
Vladimir Jhirinovski: Armenians live on their own land, let the Turkish get back to Central Asia, where they belong
A meeting in memory of Armenian Genocide victims was held in Moscow today. Commemorative meeting was held for the first time, until now the Armenian Community in Moscow held piquets in front of Turkish Embassy.

The meeting was conducted by a public figure, General Roman Harutyunov. Statements condemning the Armenian Genocide were delivered by Armenian Community Head and representatives of Greek, Jewish and Kurdish diasporas as well as Yuri Navoyan (Russian-Amrenian Cooperation), Gegham Khalatyan (Russian Armenians' Union Head) and Vardan Mushegyan (Russia's Diasporas Union).

The meeting hosted over 700 participants.

RF Parliamentary Vice Speaker Vladimir Jhirinovski supported restoration of historical justice and Armenian borders, return of Ararat and friendship between Armenia and Russia. "Armenians live on their own land, let the Turkish get back to Central Asia, where they belong," PanARMENIAN.Net Moscow staff reporter cited Vladimir Jhirinovski as saying.