April 24, 2009 - 19:19 AMT
The Armenian Genocide 94th anniversary commemoration was held in NKR
On 24 April, on the day of the Great Armenian Genocide President of the Nagorno Karabagh Republic Bako Sahakyan accompanied by top officials of the republic visited Stepanakert memorial complex and paid homage to the memory of innocent martyrs of this grave crime.

On the same day the President sent an address in connection with the Genocide victim day, running, "Today we remember the 94th anniversary of the Great Armenian genocide planned and brutally executed at the beginning of the XX century by the authorities of Ottoman Turkey and pay homage to the memory of all innocent victims of this sinister policy.

In the face of humanity the entire nation was slaughtered, thousands of settlements were destroyed and deserted, millions of Armenians lost their homeland and found refuge in all quarters of the world. The year of 1915 has become one of the most tragic periods in our centuries-old history.

However, the Armenian people have found strength to rebirth, restore independent statehood and independently determine its future. The developing Republic of Armenia, free and independent Artsakh, strong Armenian Diaspora are the best evidence of that.

Every single Armenian must always remember the memory of our martyrs. And every developed and democratic state should recognize and condemn the genocide. This is one of the most efficient means to be committed to universal values and prevent similar crimes. The denial of genocide is the continuation of genocidal policy.

I am confident that the entire progressive mankind will recognize the fact of this grave crime against the Armenian people sooner or later and historical justice will be finally restored."