April 24, 2009 - 22:25 AMT
Netherlands to commemorate 94th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide
On 24 April 2009 the Armenian community of Holland commemorated the 94th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide by laying wreaths at the Armenian Genocide Memorial
in Assen, The Netherlands. The ceremony will take place at 2 p.m. at
the cemetery "De Boskamp". Many interested and prominent people are
expected to attend. The program is part of the annual commemoration
of the Armenian genocide of 1915, which is organized by 24 April
Committee of the Federation of Armenian Organizations in the
Netherlands (FAON).

The commemoration event started this year on Sunday April 19th in the
Mozes and Aaronkerk church in Amsterdam. The event included a meeting
and an exhibition marking 100th anniversary of the massacres of
Armenian and other Christian population of Adana in 1909. During the
meeting prominent Dutch, Jewish, Turkish, Kurdish and Armenian
speakers addressed a few hundred people present.