April 25, 2009 - 15:40 AMT
Armenian chess players again ended the 9th round of Grand Prix Series tournament in a draw
In the 9th round of the fourth FIDE Grand Prix Series Tournament, Armenian Grand Masters Levon Aronyan and Vladimir Hakobyan ended their games in a draw. The game between Levon Aronyan and Israeli chess player Boris Gelfand ended 1.5:1.5 while Hakobyan shared his scores with Vasili Ivanchuk (Ukraine) After defeating Sergey Karyakin (Ukraine) in the 9th round, Yevgeni Alekseev from Russia evened his score with Aronyan.

During the 9th round, Gata Kamsky (USA) and Etienne Bacrot (France) defeated Ukrainian chess player Alexander Grischuk and Azeri Grand Master Shakhrian Mamedyarov. The other games ended in a draw.

In the 10th round, Levon Aronyan and Vladmir Hakobyan will play against Pavel Elyanov and Etienne Bacrot respectively.

The matches are scheduled for April 15-29, 21-24 and 26-29. Rest days: April 20 and 25

9th round games:

Gelfand-Aronyan: 1,5:1,5
Ivanchuk-Hakobyan: 1,5:1,5
Grischuk-Kamsky: 0:1
Alekseev-Karyakin: 1:0
Bacrot-Mamedyarov: 1:0
Svidler-Leko: 1,5:1,5
Elyanov-kasymzhanov: 1,5:1,5

Standings after 9th round:

Aronyan, Alekseev - 5.5 Leko, Svidler, Bacrot -5; Grischuk, Karyakin, Hakobyan, Elyanov - 4.5, Kamsky, Gelfandm Kasymdzhanov, Mamedyarov -4, Ivanchuk - 3

10th round games

Karyakin -Ivanchuk