June 5, 2024 - 13:55 AMT
Turkey condemns Uruguay’s recognition of Armenian Genocide

Turkey has condemned a newly passed law in Uruguay that recognizes the Armenian Genocide, TRT reports.

The Turkish Foreign Ministry said in a statement on Tuesday, June 4 that the legislation contradicts international law, describing it as "null and void."

"Parliaments and politicians do not have the authority to pass judgments on controversial historical issues," it added. On April 24, 1915, a large group of Armenian intellectuals was rounded up and assassinated in Constantinople by the Ottoman government. On April 24, Armenians worldwide commemorated the 109th anniversary of the Genocide which continued until 1923. More than three dozen countries, hundreds of local government bodies and international organizations have so far recognized the killings of 1.5 million Armenians as Genocide. Turkey denies to this day.