June 6, 2024 - 17:32 AMT
Russia accuses West of preparing invasion of CSTO countries

NATO is preparing an invasion of the CSTO countries, the number of provocations in the air is growing, Secretary of the Russian Security Council Sergei Shoigu said at a meeting of the Committee of Secretaries of the CSTO Security Councils on Thursday, June 6.

According to him, “the ongoing expansion of NATO” is an immediate threat to the CSTO countries.

“On the northern and western borders of the collective security zone, the military presence of the alliance is being increased, new weapons systems are being deployed. The number of provocations in the airspace is growing, numerous military exercises are being held, which include the practice of invading the territory of the CSTO countries,” Shoigu said.

He charged that Western policy leads to a deterioration of the situation in the CSTO area of responsibility.

“There is an obvious attempt to turn the Eurasian region into an arena of geopolitical confrontation. To achieve this goal, the widest arsenal is being used, including direct interference in the internal affairs of independent states, political pressure, blackmail, threats, illegal sanctions and other methods,” Shoigu said.