June 10, 2024 - 16:34 AMT
CSTO budget “to be adjusted due to Yerevan’s non-payment of contributions”

The CSTO budget for the current year requires adjustments due to the refusal of the Armenian authorities to pay their share of contributions, the Russian Foreign Ministry has told RIA Novosti.

Earlier, the press secretary of the Armenian Foreign Ministry Ani Badalyan announced Yerevan’s intention to refrain from joining the decision of the CSTO Collective Security Council of November 23, 2023 On the CSTO budget for 2024 and participating in the financing of the Organization’s activities.

“The corresponding draft decision of the Collective Security Council is currently being worked out. At the same time, there is no talk of redistribution of contributions,” the Russian Foreign Ministry noted.

The Ministry explained that the CSTO Secretariat and the CSTO Joint Headquarters reduced expenses due to Yerevan’s recalling or “non-appointment of their employees to quota positions.” The Secretariat will also use existing reserves to continue operating as normal.

Moscow added, however, that Yerevan continues to have financial obligations in accordance with the CSTO Charter.