May 22, 2009 - 14:56 AMT
MTS closed down 7 regional branches
"Mobile TeleSystems" OJSC has closed 7 regional branches in St. Petersburg, Maritime and Krasnodar Territories, as well as Nizhny Novgorod and Samara.

The company operates a regional-market management structure, and branches close down in all towns where macro-regional headquarters are based.

MTS is Russia's largest mobile operator (as of April, 2009, it had over 97.4 million subsidiaries in Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Armenia and Belarus).
He company's biggest shareholder is AFK system, which possesses 52.8% of shares, with 46.7% being in free circulation. As of April 2008, the company's pure income comprised USD 1.93 billion (US GAAP), with proceeds making up 10,245 billion.