June 3, 2009 - 18:18 AMT
New Armenian church to open in Rostov region
St. Grigor Lousavorich Armenian church will soon open in Novocherkask (Rostov Region), Russia. Construction work began in 2000, Vice President of "Ani" Armenian centre said. "Construction was mostly funded by Head of Armenian community Ara Arsenyan and other influential community representatives. Despite economic crisis, we hope construction work will finish in 2010," Ms. Mirzoyan noted, adding that on May 28 "Ani" cultural House had organized ceremony dedicated to First Republic Day.

Armenian community of Novocherkask has a history of 14 years. The town currently has a cultural centre and a Sunday school. "One of our community's principal tasks is to maintain permanent ties with Armenia and bring up future generations as true Armenians educated on the history and culture of their homeland," Vice President said.