June 25, 2009 - 13:08 AMT
State Department withdraws invitations to Iranian diplomats
The State Department has rescinded its invitation to Iranian envoys for its July 4 wienie roast, saying that the Iranians are no longer welcome.

The invitation, approved by Hillary Clinton herself, was given a great deal of press several weeks ago, as it was a concrete sign of improving relations between the two countries. President Obama said Tuesday that it was up to the Iranians to decide if they still wanted to attend.

But Wednesday a State Department spokesman told the Associated Press that "the U.S. saw little reason for them to (attend) given the political crisis over their disputed presidential election."

"Not surprisingly, based on what we've seen going on in Tehran, nobody has RSVP-ed," Robert Gibbs said. "Given the events of the past many days those invitations will no longer be extended."