May 1, 2002 - 20:58 AMT
Commenting on the results of the bilateral negotiations with the Turkish President held within the framework of the summit of the Presidents of Azerbaijan, Turkey and Georgia in Trabzon, Azeri President Heydar Aliyev stressed that Ankara was still supporting official Baku's position in the Karabakh settlement. In Aliyev's words, Turkey did not intend to open borders and cooperate with Armenia until the Armenian troops withdrew from the «conquered territories.» The Azeri President confirmed the information that the meeting of Foreign Ministers of Azerbaijan, Turkey and Armenia would be held in Reykjavik this May. Let us remind that the Turkish side has initiated it. A year ago official Yerevan rejected the idea of holding a tripartite meeting, stressing that the negotiations were unreal under the conditions when Turkey continued holding the blockade against Armenia and took a frankly pro-Azeri stand in the Karabakh issue. But a month ago the Armenian Foreign Minister came out with a statement that official Yerevan was ready to activate dialogue with Turkey. The report about the coming meeting in the Icelandic capital followed it.