August 27, 2009 - 16:36 AMT
American court's decision to question 39 states' recognition of Armenian Genocide
US Federal Appeals Court's decision prohibiting descendants of Armenian Genocide victims to sue foreign companies for unpaid claims has no legal bases, Hay Dat Central Office Director Kiro Manoyan told a news conference in Yerevan. "In 2000, California state adopted a law enabling descendants of Genocide victims to sue American and other foreign insurance companies for unpaid claims. Following such decision, descendents of the aggrieved filed suit against several insurance companies such as New-York Life (US), AHA (France) and 3 German companies," Hay Dat Bureau Director noted. Those who filed claims against New York Life and AHA received financial compensation, whereas German companies appealed against the decision, claiming that California State's law contradicted US Constitution.

"Court decision says that California state's law does not conform to US Constitution as it contains the words 'descendents of Armenian Genocide victims', whereas United States has not officially recognized the fact. The court also ruled the decision unconstitutional considering that it contained statements on US domestic policy which is within the competence of US Congress and President," Manoyan stated, adding that no law in America disallows separate states to recognize Armenian Genocide. "If American court's decision remains unchanged, Turkish organizations in US can use it as a tool to prevent Congress from adopting Genocide Resolution and prohibit official Washington to recognize the fact," Manoyan said.

On August 20, US Federal Appeals court ruled that Armenian Americans descended from Genocide victims cannot sue foreign insurance companies for unpaid claims because the US Government does not legally recognize that an Armenian genocide occurred.