August 27, 2009 - 20:03 AMT
Americans for Artsakh conducts trainings for Nagorno Karabakh officials
Americans for Artsakh recently completed its third training in a series of ongoing training projects for Artsakh government officials. With each course increasing in depth and complexity, August's project focused on two topics: negotiations and government public relations. The course was conducted at the Artsakh ministry of foreign affairs in Stepanakert.

The training involved 18 representatives of the foreign ministry, office of Nagorno Karabakh President, NKR NA Speaker and Artsakh Information Office. It was funded by the Armenian General Benevolent Union, and special assistance was provided by Mr. Karen Kostandyan, Second Secretary of Multilateral Cooperation at the ministry and AFA's Artsakh Coordinator. 
"The class activities were very useful and interesting," Armen Sargsyan, Third Secretary of Bilateral Relations of the ministry said. "We need these courses very much for our future work. The classes were extremely helpful," Marina Harutyunyan, Attaché at the ministry's information department, said.