August 27, 2009 - 21:54 AMT
ArmenTel CJSC's General Director satisfied with 2009 results
ArmenTel CJCS's (Trade mark: Beeline) General Director Igor Klimko is satisfied with company's results registered during the first half of 2009.

According to him, the company's net operation income has increased by 7% in comparison with the first quarter, comprising about AMD 18 billion. Besides, marketing measures have reduced crisis impact to a minimum. "In the second quarter, MOU index has registered over 36% growth, and APRU has increased by AMD 5 thousand in comparison with the first quarter," General Director noted

User dynamic results are also satisfactory despite crisis and harsh competition. "The growth we registered in the second quarter comprises 1% or 486 thousand mobile subscribers," Klymko said. Unlike other companies, "ArmenTel" makes calculation of active user base every three months, he added.