September 1, 2009 - 21:27 AMT
Karabakh issue admits of no minor speculations
Priority tasks for Armenia at the current stage of NKR conflict settlement is to ensure Karabakh's security in negotiation process and achieve international community's proper perception of the problem, President Serzh Sargsyan said today in his opening speech delivered at the annual meeting between MFA central staff and Heads of Armenian diplomatic missions abroad.

"MG-mediated talks with Azerbaijan are within reasonable logic. Publication of Madrid Principles came to prove that we were always honest with our people about issues currently on the table," Armenian leader stressed, adding that all parties involved in Karabakh conflict already realize that NKR people's right to self-determination and their security are key issues. "I am sure that any Armenian leader involved in Karabakh conflict settlement is perfectly aware that he bears great responsibility for the country's people and future generation. Any other opinion results from either ignorance or minor speculations unacceptable to Karabakh," Mr. Sargsyan stated.

During Artsakh war, Armenian people fought for freedom and life, and no one has the right to call Karabakh an aggressor, President said. "Our response to that should be clear and convincing. At this point, I'd like to call the attention of Ambassadors accredited to Islamic Conference member states. We must strengthen our efforts towards eliminating the negative impact of OIC Resolutions on Nagorno Karabakh," RA President noted.