April 10, 2002 - 23:53 AMT
Tragic events took place in Martakert district Maraga village of Nagorno-Karabakh Republic exactly ten years ago - April 10, 1992, when according to different estimates 49 to 53 people were murdered. According to «Arminfo» agency report, over 50 others including 9 children were taken hostage. The fortune of most of them is still unknown. Unprecedented cruel crimes against the village peaceful residents were committed by the Azeri military units - Special destination militia detachments rushed into Maraga together with twenty tanks. The slaughter was renewed April 22, when the survived residents of Maraga returned to bury those dead. The data on Maraga victims is confirmed by different international human rights organizations, in particular by «Helsinki Watch.» Having arrived at the tragedy scene Vice-Speaker of the House of Lords of the British Parliament Caroline Cox witnessed the people bury remains of cut up and sawed bodies, children and adults burnt alive. Baroness Caroline Cox has described Azeri atrocities in Maraga village in her book entitled «Ethnic cleansing continues». In particular, Cox waxes indignant over the fact that Azeris make high-sounding statements and appeal to various international organizations on the occasion of the events in Hojalu, where in her words, everything was not so unambiguous, while the Armenians having at their disposal incontestable proofs of the atrocities present them to the international community insufficiently actively. The Maraga tragedy is viewed as one of the most horrible examples of genocide and is considered by the Karabakh side among Azerbaijan's bloody crimes in Getashen, Martunashen, Buzluh, Erkej and other settlements in the north of Nagorno-Karabakh Republic at the time of aggression in 1991-1992.